What Kind of Yogi Are You?

June 24, 2014 2 min read

what kind of yogi are you?

Are you a yoga enthusiast? Do you consider it as part of your daily routine? Whether you are performing yoga as a lifestyle or a weight-loss exercise, you should belong to one of the following yoga groups. So, what kind of yogi are you?   1.The fashionable yogi – You can immediately identify this group of yogi because they bring expensive yoga mats during classes with, accompanied by matching carrying bags and towels. They also have several pairs of branded yoga pants and matching compression tops that you have always wanted. In other words, they go to yoga classes not only for its health benefits, but to show off their fashion, as well. 2. The spiritual yogi – This type of yogi strongly believes that the way they do their yoga helps them to achieve a complete and more enlightened state of being while existing in the physical world. In addition, they encourage other yogis to experience and see what the “lighter side” of life feels like, as well. 3.The health-conscious yogi – The people belonging to this group of yoga performers practice yoga solely because they know and understand the multiple benefits that yoga provides to their body and how it enhances their passions in life, whether it be running, triathlon, weight lifting, or weight control. They typically have an active and healthy lifestyle and want to complete it further by including yoga in their daily routine. 4.The expressive yogi – Do you express yourself too much when you do yoga stunts, no matter how simple or complicated they are? Then, you might belong to this group. You will instantly know this yogi by the loud grunts of pleasure they produce and pain emanating from their area. Have you find out which group you belong to. What kind of yogi are you?
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